How to Choose a Secure Collaboration Platform

Apr 20, 2020Articles

If you consider how much sensitive information is being discussed via video conferencing, then you’d be certain that there are bad actors trying to hack into those conversations.

More than “Zoombombing” prayer meetings, organized crime syndicates, state sponsored hackers, and everyday thieves are looking for creative ways to eavesdrop on executive board meetings, exploit vulnerabilities in your remote work environment, and capitalize on your employees fears about contracting COVID-19. Expecting bad actors to, well, act badly is now a normalized part of running a business.

While most organizations rely on the platforms to police bad actors, there is a human element that can’t be overlooked. According to VOX Network Solutions CISO, James Rothman, “Unpredictable human behavior introduces risk into all collaboration networks.  Because of this, these platforms create an environment that’s ripe for bad actors to have access to sensitive information and to potentially steal victims’ credentials.  In this new era of online collaboration, information security has proven to be as paramount as ever.

Consider three factors when choosing the right collaboration platform for your business:

  1. Align technology with your business objectives and needs. Your collaboration platform will introduce a change in your company culture. So, now is the time to think about:
    • how your platform of choice will enable your employees to provide better customer care
    • how you will use it to communicate and motivate your employees
    • how it aligns with your company’s mission and vision
  2. Think long-term. Find a collaboration platform that can easily scale with your business. Since most businesses are doing their best to conserve cash, it’s tempting to get a low-cost temporary solution.However, many companies are offering free licenses for business use. For example, Cisco is offering free 90-day business licenses to firms affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
  3. Vendor security. Make certain that the vendor you choose has security embedded into the company culture, thus providing the appropriate levels of security at the application and infrastructure level. For example, Cisco’s statement regarding security includes a process whereas security is introduced in all phases of the development lifecycle. (citation)
  4. Understand your level of security risk. How you plan on using the platform along with your specific industry, will partially determine potential threats to your business and therefore, which platform you should choose. For example, a medical organization who is looking to deploy a collaboration platform for telemedicine will need one that is not only easy for patients, administrators, and doctors to use, but is also HIPAA compliant.

At VOX Network Solutions we provide a variety of technology solutions as part of our signature Lifecyle methodology. When choosing the right collaboration tool for your business contact us first. We’re here to help.

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