Table Of Contents
1 – Introduction & Overview Avaya IP Phone Registration Process
2- Essential Information: Registration Method, Node ID, and TN & Phone Type of IP Phone
3- Key Elements Of DHCP Configuration & Overview of DHCP Provisioning
4 – Link Layer Discovery Protocol, LLDP-Med Discovery Methods & Provisioning
5 – IP Phone Deployment Techniques Using TFTP Provisioning VS Configuration
6 – Avaya Phone Remote Worker VPN Client Firewalling
Essential Information: Registration Method, Node ID, and TN & Phone Type of IP Phone
You’ll need the following essential information; whether you’re developing your IP Phone deployment strategy for the first time, looking for ways to improve that strategy, or just need to deploy a couple of IP Phones.
- The Registration Method
- The Node ID of the location
- The TN & Phone Type of the IP Phone being deployed
Registration Method
Manual IP addressing and configuration
IP address is manually configured as is all phone configuration steps.
This is useful primarily in small business or home based office scenarios where the infrastructure or staff may not be available to support more advanced deployment options.
Phones default to Full DHCP registration and must be manually set on a per-phone basis to ignore DHCP configuration settings.
Partial DCHP addressing
IP address leasing via DHCP, manual configuration.
This is useful primarily in small business or home based office scenarios where the infrastructure or staff may not be available to support more advanced deployment options.
Starting with UNIStim 3.0, the distinction between Partial DHCP and Full DHCP is controlled by the auto-provisioning settings on each phone and the presence/absence of DHCP option information configured on the DHCP server.
Full DHCP addressing
IP address leasing (and possibly VLAN assignment) via DHCP, multiple automatic configuration options, Terminal Number (TN) and Node ID supplied manually.
This is useful for most business scenarios.
A DCHP Option String can be configured using one of several Site Specific or Vendor Specific option values. (e.g., Site Specific option 128.) For a full list of DCHP optionvalues, see IP Deskphone Fundamentals (NN43001-368). When the DHCP option is configured, the configured options are provided with the DHCPOFFER.
“A” String format
- Nortel-i2004-A,AAA. (minimum information required)
- Nortel-i2004-A,AAA;BBB;CCC,DDD. (optional information)
AAA is the Primary Connect Server and is a mandatory information element. The remaining information elements are optional and may be ommitted. BBB is the optional Secondary/Backup Connect Server information elemental. CCC is optional the Text or Graphical XAS server. DDD is the optional menu security settings information element.
A comma (,) must be used after the Nortel-i2004-A portion of the string before any other information elements. Server information elements are separated by semicolons (;). The menu security setting information element (MENUSECURE, PARTSECURE), if included, is separated from the rest of the string by a comma (,). The string must be terminated by a period (.).
Primary Connect Server
The Primary Connect Server information element formatted as follows: iii.jjj.kkk.lll:ppppp,aaa,rrr.
- iii.jjj.kkk.lll is the IP address of the Primary Connect Server (S1)
- ppppp is the port used; valid values are between 0-65535 and must correspond with the Signaling Server configuration
- aaa is the action code and at this time is always 1.
- rrr is the retry count; valid values are between 1-255.
- Primary Connect Server only –
Nortel-i2004-A,,1,3. - Primary and Backup Connect Servers –
Nortel-i2004-A,,1,3;,1,3. - Primary Connect Server only, plus Text XAS server –
Nortel-i2004-A,,1,3;,1,3; - Primary and Backup Connect Servers, plus Graphical XAS server-
Customers still using the A string format should investigate whether they are able to upgrade to the B string. While the B string is the current recommended standard for IP Phone deployment, the string was introduced in UNIStim version UNIStim 2.2 and earlier versions of UNIStim firmware do not support the B string.
“B” String format
Mnemonics are formatted using keyword=value
Some key mnemonics are:
- s1ip= Primary Connect Server IP address
- p1= Primary Connect Server Port number
- a1= Primary Connect Server action code
- r1= Primary Connect Server retry count
- s2ip= Secondary/Backup Connect Server IP address
- p2= Secondary/Backup Connect Server Port number
- a2= Secondary/Backup Connect Server action code
- r2= Secondary/Backup Connect Server retry count
- xip= XAS server IP address
- xp= XAS server port number
- xa= XAS server action code
- menulock= menu security settings
Nortel-i2004-B support was introduced in UNIStim 2.2 (xxxxDBP, xxxxC4L) firmware for the 1100 and 1200 series IP Phones. Support for the B string was introduced for Phase II IP 200x series IP Phones in UNIStim 2.3 (xxxxC4N)
VLAN assignment via DHCP will be covered in more detail in part three of this six part series.Provisioning (i.e., TFTP) allows for significant automation of the registration process and will be covered in more detail in part five of this six part series.
The B String cannot be mixed with the A String in the same subnet. The B string is limited to 590 characters.
- Nortel-i2004-B,s1ip=;p1=4100;a1=1;r1=3;menulock=y;
For a full list of DCHP options, refer to IP Deskphone Fundamentals (NN43001-368).
Node ID
The Node ID can be found by accessing the PBX via the CLI, entering LD 117 and performing a STAT SS command.
=> stat ss NODE ELANIP LDR SRV PBXLINK HOSTNAME ID STATE 1000 YES Avaya CPDC LINK UP ss.company.com APPS: LTPS VTRK PBXLINK DATE: 04/04/2013 PBXLINK TIME: 20:59:26 CONNECTID: 65eb268 APPLICATION NODE ID: 1 Sets: [reg - 00117] [busy - 00006] [dvla - 00000] VTRK: [reg - 00000] [busy - 00000] SIPL VTRK: [reg - 00000] [busy - 00000] SIGNALLING SERVER CAPACITY (SSRC): 4096 Type: Avaya CPDC Location: 0 0 22 Product Eng.Code: NTDW53AAE60003 Serial Number: serial_number Memory Size: 2048 MB
Additionally, it can be found by accessing the Element Manager >> IP Network>>Nodes: Servers, Media, Cards.
The Enhanced Redundancy for IP Line Nodes feature relaxes the checking performed by a node on the Node ID that is presented by a registering IP Phone— e.g., allowing an IP Phone with a 3-digit Node ID to register against a 4-digit Node so long as the Node IDconfigured on the phone is a left-pattern match for the digits in the Node’s ID. (i.e., if the Node is 1000, Enhanced Redundancy for IP Line Nodes feature allows IP Phones to be configured with a Node ID of 100.) If a Node ID has 3 digits or less, the pattern must match exactly. If the IP Phone is configured with a 4 digit Node ID, it must exactly match the Node ID of the Connect Server.
Example: The installer configures two nodes on a system with Node IDs 3431 and 3432. An IP Phone configured with Node ID343 can register with either node.
For more information, see Signaling Server IP Line Application Fundamentals (NN43001-125)
TN & Phone Type
Terminal Number (TN) is in the format LLL-S-CC-UU. (i.e., Loop, Shelf, Card Unit) If the TNis 156-0-0-1, then the TN must be programmed on the IP Phone using padded digits: 156-0-00-01.
Some TN_TYPEs are compatible with multiple physical phone types, depending on software release. (e.g., in CS1000 Rls 4.5, IP 2004 Phase 1, 2 and IP 1140 phones were configured as i2004s). Additionally, some IP Phones will register successfully if the physical IP Phone is in the same TN_TYPE group as the configured TN.
Also, the Flexible Registration Feature (introduced in CS1000 5.0) will automatically convert IP Phones of the same TN_TYPE group to the correct TN_TYPE.
The following TN_TYPEs are grouped and are valid for automatic type conversion.
- 2004P1, 2004P2, 2210, 2211, 2007, 1140, 2050PC, 2050MC, 6140
- 2002P1, 2002P2, 1120, 1220, 6120
- 2001P2, 2033, 1110, 1210
- 1230
- 1150
Automatic conversion via Flexible Registration fails if the TN_TYPE configured and the physical type of the phone are not in the same group (e.g., Attempting to plug an 1150 into a TN configured for an 1140 will fail.)
Alternately, the type can be changed manually using the LD 11 CHGTYP command.
Performing the command manually will provide the administrator an advisory of what features are lost during the TN_TYPE conversion. This information is not made available when the TN_TYPE is automatically converted using the Flexible Registration Feature.
If an IP Phone attempts to register against a TN with a TN_TYPE that is not eligible for automatic conversion via Flexible Registration, an alert will be generated indicating that a TN registration failed due to CANNOTCONVERT or WRONGTYPE.
If an IP Phone attempts to register against a TN that is not configured, an alert will be generated indicating that a TN registration failed due to UNEQUIPPED.
For more information refer to Signaling Server IP Line Application Fundamentals (NN43001-125).
Until the IP Phone registers with the Connect Server, the Node ID, TN and TN_TYPE are not needed. It is possible to have a valid Node ID, TN and TN_TYPE but due to networking issues be unable to register the phone. Likewise, it is possible for the IP Phone to establish a connection to the Connect Server (prompting for Node ID & TN on the phone) without having a TN configured on the CS1000 PBX.
Using the diagram from the registration process overview, the Registration Method information is critical on the lower-right portion of the registration process (up to Attempt Connection to S1, S2). The Node & TN are required for the Registration process (the first break-away after the Attempt Connection step.)